Training public officials in managing new housing projects for flood victims in Colombia.
University of the Andes | Instructional Designer + Project Manager
Blended course focused on training public officials in managing new housing projects for victims of the worst floods in Colombia's recent history. Since the participants of this program were geographically dispersed, the course was designed as a blended learning experience in which students interacted with their peers and professors both in real life and online.
The challenge in this project consisted in connecting 40+ course participants—located in 23 different cities—with their classmates and professors while reducing the costs of transportation and accommodation for municipalities and local government. The solution consisted in offering a blended experience in which students met in person three times throughout the course (seven weeks long) and worked on their course projects using online tools such as virtual classrooms, wikis, blogs, and forums (Blackboard Collaborate and Blackboard Learn).
My role in this project comprised the following responsibilities:
Collaborate with faculty to design the curriculum of the course.
Collaborate with the Laboratory for Research and Development on Informatics and Education (LIDIE) to prepare the online components of the course.
Coordinate the logistical aspects of the course (schedule, rooms, budget, communications with participants).